English translation for "piping filter"
- 管道过滤器
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The scanner is able to run in stdin stdout mode as a pipe filter 扫描器能够在stdin stdout模式运作,把它用作管道过滤器 | | 2. | Air piping filter 空气管道过滤器 | | 3. | The scanner is able to run in stdin stdout mode to use it as a pipe filter 扫描器能够在stdin stdout模式运作,把它用作管道过滤器 | | 4. | Scanning can be controlled by many arguments and switches ; to use as a pipe filter ; and a special stdin stdout mode is available 扫描可通过引数和参数管控;用作管道过滤器;还有一个特殊的stdin stdout模式 | | 5. | The scanning can be controlled by many arguments and switches ; it can be used as a pipe filter , also a special stdin stdout mode is available 扫描可以通过参数和开关控制,而且它还可以用作管道过滤器.另外还有一个专门的stdin stdout模式 | | 6. | The permeability of 12 types of geotextiles , used as sub - drain pipe filters , were tested andcompared under two kinds of soils sampled from ningxia yinbei drainage project area 采用一维和二维渗透模型对土工织物作为农田暗管排水外包滤料进行了试验研究。 | | 7. | Abstract : the permeability of 12 types of geotextiles , used as sub - drain pipe filters , were tested andcompared under two kinds of soils sampled from ningxia yinbei drainage project area 文摘:采用一维和二维渗透模型对土工织物作为农田暗管排水外包滤料进行了试验研究。 | | 8. | Through theoretical analysis and experimental research , new predewatering techniques of perforated pipe filtering net and divided flow settling have been developed and tested which are of their first kind to realize the low density transportation and high density filling of the filling pulp 通过理论分析和实验研究,首创并试验了多孔管滤网振动预脱水和分流沉降预脱水新技术,实现充填料浆的低浓度输送、高浓度充填。 |
- Similar Words:
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